Friday, January 14, 2011

No, no, happy MLK day to YOU

I am so delighted to say that I have monday off from work. GLORIOUS! Hear it from the mountaintops, shout it to the heavens. I was talking to a nice young man in my office, who has the same first name as my sister and the same last name as her boyfriend, and he casually mentioned being excited about the three day weekend. "What three day weekend?" MLK Day Muthaf*ckas!

I wish, I wish so much right now that I could capture (with some magic image keeping box... my camera is broken :/) the view from outside of my window at this moment. the sky is a beautiful burning pink, with mere hints of blue, contrasted to the yellow house behind us, little bulbs of orange from the neighbor's persimmon trees... with the bare branches scraping the atmosphere, all of this even through the ugly netting over the left side of my lovely windows (they are the kind where you can open one side with a crank, 8 panes in all). My yellow and white striped curtains make a lovely frame for this visual feast. And it only gets more lovely as the sun is going, until it'll all be disappeared from view. (too much? wax poetic with me)

Anyway. I don't remember what I had intended to write about. Maybe it was last year's MLK Day. My mom's birthday happens to be the day before, January 16th. Last year was a milestone, and instead of spending it in Paris like she had talked about (too pricey) we went to Yosemite. It was so great. My aunt and uncle and cousin went too. We stayed in a hotel room that was really like an apartment, it had a full kitchen so we could make all of our own meals. We went snowshoeing (a word that breaks the rule about dropping the "e" before "ing"! Cool!). It was so much fun. We stocked the  fridge, I had some delicious eye of the hawk (I haven't had a beer in months. I'm convinced it will make me fat), we all watched a movie in our jammies.

It's not so beautiful outside anymore. Monday will feel like that sunset did, I hope. That vacation was like an extended sunset, or at least it is in my memory. My mom and Carl are in Boise with my sister this birthday weekend. I will be working, but not without fun. I'm going to take Nick to the movies tonight. He wanted to see Tron, but I thing he wants to see The King's Speech more, which is good news for me. I would see Tron, and probably like it, but I don't go to the movies very often and just yesterday I heard of The King's Speech, and that it is very good. And now I'm adding the buzz. Go movie, go! I'm going to go and make an omelet. Goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Who told you to underline movie titles? A TEACHER? Personally, I like to italicize them. This is a problem on Facebook, where you can't italicize, so sometimes I use single quotation marks. 'True Grit.' But then everyone is confused, and I look like a tool. Le sigh.
