Sunday, April 10, 2011

Billy Goat Gruff Came to Pay the Piper...?

Holy moly, I just got a ticket. I don't check my mail very often, so I'm pretty glad that I noticed it before the fine doubled. The graphic on the envelope looked so friendly that I didn't even realize what it was until I saw "violation enforcement" printed underneath.

I try to stay on the right side of the law. And I don't even own a car, which makes this so much more funny to me. From my mail, in one hand I had a check for the shares I had invested in the co-op (that I have since left and joined another) and a ticket for approximately the same amount (see my reimbursement disappear immediately! It's like a magic trick! Not the fun kind. like the lady getting pick pocketed while she's sawed in half. bad analogy.) Thank goodness it wasn't some $300/more bullshit.

A few months ago I was in Los Angeles for work (I'm going again twice this month. Ridiculous! Who is this lady?) and I decided to rent a car, like a big girl, since I am finally of age, and drive to San Diego to visit my cousin. I was driving at night, which is initially always a pretty terrifying experience-- my night vision sucks!-- and I missed a turn off for a toll rode. That's pretty sneaky Irvine; you have to leave the road to pay the toll. A cop passed me moments later and I thought, "I'm golden!" He didn't stop me! Upon my return driving towards LAX, aware of this process, I had the cash and the presence of mind to pay the toll.

So, this ticket is totally deserved. But what a bummer. And really, am I that terrible of a driver? I am in a car hardly ever (I can't even estimate) and a driver even less. And I got a ticket?!? That's so lame. This will probably temper my desire to make outlandish expenditures today (tattoos! long sleeved shirts to hide said tattoos!).

Today: I will work out at the gym that I am paying too much money for, but feel comfortable at, as there are no ladies wearing make-up or men who look like cartoon characters, as my friend caitlin described: they work out one particular part of their body, so all of their bits are disproportionate. Bits! I mean their arms, necks, torsos. It doesn't feel like a meat market. Neat. My mom is going to bring us my green velvet couch that she has been storing for me since I moved here, and also parts for my sewing machine (that she also got for me from my aunt). My mom, always looking out. Thanks mom! *I can guarantee she doesn't read this.

I've been up since 5 a.m. Happy Sunday. This might make for a rough Monday :/ I hope that maybe I'll take a nap later today, but at that moment it seems like a waste of time. Maybe around two o'clock I'll see things differently.

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