Wednesday, June 8, 2011

how did you not see that baby lurking in the bathwater?

I broke the babka. I just made my first chocolate babka (anyone else remember that Seinfeld episode? apparently cinnamon babka is a lesser babka. I like saying babka.) Earlier, as I was preparing the layers, I initiated a conversation with my housemate about the babka, where I had the delight of using the word in almost every sentence. Babka.

Well, I broke the babka, because I was impatient to move it out of the pan and onto a plate. typical. It'll still be tasty, but slightly less impressive. I probably won't eat it, but will watch the rate of consumption of it by my housemates to determine if it's work baking again.

Speaking of broken things, I've noticed that I seem to be surrounded by a lot of quirky appliances, for lack of a better term. Most of my electrical appliances come to me or are soon on the fritz. my record/cd cassette player/radio does not have full funtionality,my cell phone deletes telephone numbers at whim (I should do something about that, but I keep forgetting). Our house is an old unit, something is always breaking, the clothes dryer is turned on with a fork and has no working timer. The stereo doesn't really work... all of this, let's call it charm.

For the most part it doesn't bother me, and it can be kind of funny at times (my cousin and I commiserating on the terrible cars we once had), but... it's a nice thought. If something is broken, but still adequate (like my old laptop that I had to hook up to a monitor because the screen was broken), why not make do? maybe that's being cheap or lazy, but I think there's some wisdom in it too.

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