Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't Forget the Name Badges!

To be so blase about having to travel for work. I've seen it. People grumbling about being confined to the beige walls of the Fresno Marriott, caged in with other discontented out-of towners, with their stale continental breakfasts, styrofoam coffee cups and local news broadcasts blaring on the cable tv-- only watched at night as distraction from what brought them to this miserable place-- papers scattered all over those scratchy hotel blankets. Island print in teal, purple, and orange. fluorescent light streams out of the cracked bathroom door, all an inhospitably cold formica tile. the fan hums audibly, but does little to dissipate the trapped moist air that just hangs in the air and settles on the mirror. The windows are sealed, the curtains pushed back to reveal a view of the hotel parking lot and the grand promenade that features a strip mall with an ancient and abandoned looking Long John Silver's.

Well, I cannot afford to be so blase. I am looking forward to it.. I am going to go to our Project Director's Meeting, and I'm pretty delighted at the thought of leaving town. I just hope that everything goes smoothly and that I do an okay job. I'm a civilian, a non-special, just working on logistics and trying fly under the radar. I have a ride to and from the airport and have been advised to wear comfortable shoes.

I must not forget the name badges tomorrow. This is key. What confidence can I be expected to have in any of this panning out if I forget something as simple as the name badges? It all hangs in the balance here. That and my snacks. I bought two snack bars, and I'll be damned if they are consumed except for in emergency. No idle chewing; I will not be taken down by low blood sugar.

Wheeee! You see, I don't do this very often. I think everything will be fine. Unless I forget my toothbrush. Do they sell toothbrushes in Los Angeles? I'm sure they sell everything in Los Angeles. Here's a goat! A human liver! Land of dreams, you know.

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