Friday, February 18, 2011

Sally Field's Oscar Speech

Have you noticed that no one really looks at each other in the elevator? I hope that no one notices me glancing around at everyone else automatically fixing their attention to the doors or the floor. If they do notice it might seem like it's the first time I've ever ridden in an elevator. I haven't yet learned the etiquette. So uncouth.

I ride the elevator at least twice a day in the building that I work in (up many floors, I'm not just riding up one or two and am lazy or injured), and the first thing I do when I'm alone with the doors closed is glance up at the mirrored ceiling and make a face at myself. It's an automatic reaction. Maybe mentioning it here will break the spell...

My eye has been twitching all this week. Not too noticeably like a tick, but the muscle around the lid keeps spasming. I have been told that this could come from clenching my teeth as I sleep, which could occur from stress. Great. My face is already responding with all sorts of exciting bumps and oils to this unbeknownst source of shoulder tensing stress.

Tonight I'm going to see a band that I enjoy. I feel like it's unfair that I am seeing them and my friend who introduced me to them is not, but c'est la vie. I am really excited about this weekend. I scheduled for a plumber to come on Monday (because that's what grown ups have to do, fill their precious free time with all of the jobs they don't get paid for. He'll be being paid to work on our toilet. He sounded very nice on the phone. Our last plumber seemed to resent me. I wasn't rude to him or anything. maybe I imagined it) and when he said he could come at 8, I said, "maybe do you have anything later?" Three day weekend! i might sleep until 7, I might sleep until 10!

It's raining outside and my housemate generously offered to drive me to the train station. From the station I will go to Nick's and off we will drive to adventure! I'm so tired. I am drinking coffee. Maybe I can take a power nap in the car, but that seems unfair. I'd be drooling all over the window and nick would be driving in traffic, in the rain. I should have made cookies. No time! We will have burritos. Before I was writing this I was eating a salad so fast I bit down really hard on the fork. Luckily my teeth are okay. I just kinda lost my health insurance. oh well. that's the name of the game folks.

Well, it's been an honor and a pleasure. thank you for reading. If I don't get too embaarrassed by the amount of posts I'm writing, I'll tell you all about our trip. Maybe.

I volunteered to write our programs newsletter or blog at work. I've been told that it might be an impossible task. We'll see. Something to add to the resume. Blech. I hate thinking about those things. It sounds like it could be fun.

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